
Showing posts from June, 2019

Let's Just Blog-105

MEAN Stack? Following Let's Just Blog-102 and a link on Digital Ocean , I will install MEAN stack on f1-micro instance of GCP, and you should able to build a website without much of a initial capital expense. Please enable Google Cloud with your email, and provision an free f1-micro VM. Install NodeJS on Ubuntu ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ./yourkey -C ubuntu ssh -i yourkey ubuntu@youripaddress After generating the ssh key and associating it with your instance, please connect to your vm with ssh. You should also allow the http traffic and easiest way to enable the "Allow Http Traffic" checkbox. sudo apt update sudo apt install apache2 sudo ufw app list http://youripaddress/ sudo apt-get install git Install NodeJS sudo apt-get install nodejs sudo apt-get install npm sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node node -v [v4.2.6] npm --version [3.5.2] Install NGINX sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nginx nginx -v [nginx version: nginx/1.10.3 (Ubuntu)] Congra...

Let's Just Blog-104

What is a Wordpress theme? After installing Wordpress on LAMP stack , we need a layout and structure to our blog site, which means that we need a theme. I have heard about Theme Forest , which has 1000s of customized theme and you should able to buy one for 40 bucks that will meet your requirements and specifications. As a learning experiment, it may a bit better to develop a prototype theme and install it. Brad has a very nice course on Udemy, and some of you may want to take it. I will also follow Tania Racia , as she has few blogs that will help us in this learning exercise. I am using Bootstrap 4 for responsiveness and have a local environment with npm, node express to test it before installing it on wordpress. Please use the link for letjustblog github repo, to test theme locally and take Brad's course to understand the layout and styles. What is a Bootstrap? According to official Bootstrap website and a nice blog from Tania on Bootstrap Bootstrap is the most...

Let's Just Blog-103

LAMP Stack? Following Let's Just Blog-102 and a link on Digital Ocean , I will install LAMP and Wordpress on f1-micro instance of GCP, and you should able to blog hopefully without much of a initial capital expense. Please enable Google Cloud with your email, and provision an free f1-micro VM. Joe from One Page Zen has published a blog that uses the Wordpress pre-build image from marketplace. I will try sticking with Wordpress on LAMP stack. Install LAMP ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ./yourkey -C ubuntu ssh -i yourkey ubuntu@youripaddress After generating the ssh key and associating it with your instance, please connect to your vm with ssh. You should also allow the http traffic and easiest way to enable the "Allow Http Traffic" checkbox. sudo apt update sudo apt install apache2 sudo ufw app list http://youripaddress/ sudo apt install mysql-server sudo mysql ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password'; e...

Let's Just Blog-102

What is a Domain Name? A domain name is generally a website address mapped to an IP within the internet. Just like phone number is registered by phone owner and is mapped to a device, website name is registered by the website owner and is mapped to the IP of the computer on the internet. Domain Name on a blogging platform? Though, you may be able to find a blog name on free blogging platforms like Blogger, Wordpress, Tumblr it may not be possible to get your own domain name yet. For eg: I am creating this blog on Blogger with a blog name Let's Just Blog . I chose one of the available name (letsjustblog-bonjour) and google blogger service is associating my blog posts to the the domain letsjustblog-bonjour. Now you can access my blogs at the following URL: Choose your own Domain Name? It is quite easy to buy a domain name, and there are ample of DNS providers, ...

Let's Just Blog-101

What is a blog? What is blogging? A blog can be as simple as a post by an individual, but is generally a series of post published on web. MAB (multi-author-blogs), microblogging and platforms like twitter has provided news content which can be shared with tweets. Blogging is simply the act of sharing on a web scale of 56% of world's population, about 3.2 billion. What is a blogging platform? Blogging Platforms are broadcast-style communications systems that enable authors to publish articles, opinions or product reviews (known as posts), which can be delivered through stand-alone websites, email, feed syndications systems and social networks. Some well-known blogging platforms are, Blogger, Tumblr.... What is Wordpress? Wordpress is an open source CMS software that helps you create ...